WhatsApp Help Desk

Whatsapp Helpdesk App

  1. How to get into Whatsapp Helpdesk: When a user clicks on Helpdesk icon, the user must choose the number with which he/she is going to offer this service.  We recommend the number must be ONLY for this application.

After a user chooses a number, he/she is going to redirect to the dashboard.

  1. Setup the welcome message for the bot.
  1. Create Departments: 
  1. Create Operators and assign them a department.

Share the operator link to start

When a operator open the link he/she must to confirm a security code sent from the server

Once the code was confirmed, the operator can start interacting with the clients


1: List of operators online

2: List of contacts (clients)

3: Start a conversation

4: Finished Operators

5: List of departments by operator

6: Search box (chats)

7: List of current chats by operator

8: Chat area

9: Forward chat to another operator

10: Contact info (current chat user)