Cheetah Builder Pro for WordPress: Accessing Training and Support

< 1 min read

Training and Support from the WordPress dashboard

Go to your WordPress admin dashboard and click “Cheetah Builder”, “Cheetah Builder”, and access the “Welcome” tab.

In the bottom right, you will see a section labeled “Need help?”.  By clicking the “help center”, you will go directly to the knowledgebase where you can find detailed tutorials and training on the Cheetah Builder Pro for WordPress and the advanced features such as webinar, booking, and MailingBoss.

Training and Support from the advanced features dashboard

Advanced Features Dashboard Direct URL:

Add the login credentials that were in your welcome email.

To access the Builderall knowledgebase, click the book icon in the top left of your advanced features dashboard.

To access support including WordPress Support, live chat, and tickets, go to the support link in the menu at the top right.

Direct link to the knowledgebase advanced features training


Webinar Builder

Booking Builder